• School Blog
17th April, 2019

11 ways to use tablets in the classroom

The use of tablets in everyday life is becoming more and more common especially in classrooms, but are they being used to their full potential? Read on to learn about the multiple ways you can use tablets in the classroom and continue to make education fun and up to date.

1) Research

Want to improve your student’s independent learning? Tablets are a great way for students to grow independence and allows them to do their own research within the classroom environment.

2) Reading/listening to books

Don’t have the right book in the library or have a sore throat? Use the likes of e-books and the Audible app to have books available on demand, with the option of audio versions for students who have vision difficulties.

3) Presentations

Tablets allow students to create their own fun, creative presentations on their previous research, and gives them the ability to add photos, their own notes or even their own drawings.

4) Educational apps

Using educational apps is a great way to keep student engagement high and keep education fun; there are plenty of different apps such as Kahoot and Duolingo.

5) Play games

Incentives are always good to have and tablets provide even more of these. Download your own choice of games for the pupils to play on as a “golden time” treat.

6) Quizzes

Test the knowledge your students have gained from all of their research and ongoing learning by quizzing them with the hundreds of quiz apps available to download such as Gojimo, Quizlet and Memiro. The best thing about these is you can create the questions yourself.

7) Taking notes

Tablets can even make note-taking fun and transform the learning experience for each individual learner! For visual learners, students can add interactive notes or videos. Use apps such as Evernote to help make the best quality notes!

8) Video clips

Speaking of visual learners, free resources such as YouTube have thousands of videos uploaded on nearly any topic you can think of!

9) Photography

Encourage your student’s creative side by getting them to take photos with the high-quality camera installed on the tablets, then enhance the creativity by installing editing software to transform the photos to an even higher quality.

10) Languages

Help improve your student’s foreign language skills by installing and using apps such as Duolingo. This one is particularly helpful as you can interact through speaking to the app in the language you’re developing whilst trying to answer questions correctly to prevent yourself from losing a life.

11) Music

Create an atmosphere in a classroom to help with concentration by playing background music through apps such as Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube, then connect to a Bluetooth speaker to help it be heard around the classroom.

Has this post made you interested in getting some tablets for your classroom? Speak to our Customer Care Specialists today on 01625 415 400 or drop us an email via hello@f4e.co.uk!