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2nd October, 2019

5 Benefits of Having Chromebooks in the Classroom

Are you looking for new classroom computers or laptops but worried your schools’ budgets won’t stretch far enough and will prevent you from getting the equipment you’re looking for? Chromebooks may be the perfect solution! Chromebooks are installed with different features all designed to benefit you in the classroom. In the following article, we’ve put together some of the reasons why you should choose Chromebooks for your school as well as highlighting some of the key benefits they can bring.


Don’t let price worry you, as Chromebooks usually start at around £200 each, this makes them inexpensive compared to a lot of other models around. To benefit your school even more and instead of spending all your budget at once why not look into our F4E flexible payment plans and get your school even more for your money, you could even look into getting 1to1 devices for students!

Easy to use

Chromebooks are so easy for students to use and even easier for them to carry about accessibly. Designed to be as lightweight and portable as possible, this makes it so easy for students to take them around to different classrooms and keep the learning constant.

Easy to manage

If you’re a teacher and struggle to keep your eyes on student’s laptop activity all the time, Chromebooks come installed with Google Admin Console, meaning that you can get complete control of what apps get pre-installed. Admin View allows you to gain control of all student’s activity and apps, so you can know if students are doing work or just playing angry birds!

Allows Classroom Collaboration

One of the best features about Chromebooks is being able to collaborate on all the different programs, making it so much easier for students to work together on projects. Using apps such as Google Classroom, Google Sheets and Google Docs can let students collaborate and work together in their own time, as they can do it anytime and anywhere. Your group projects will never have been better organised!


No more need to worry about finding internet security with chrome books as they come as secure as possible. You can rest assured that there’s no risk of unneeded software installation or malware, as Chromebooks get their updates automatically through the cloud, so your school equipment stays as safe as possible.


Have you started to think about getting Chromebooks for your classroom, or maybe you already have some and want to acquire some more, but couldn’t in your budget? Why not contact us today and speak to one of our Customer Care Specialists! We’re here to help and can find a plan to suit you!