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  • School Blog
24th May, 2019

How Twitter Can Improve Your Teaching Life

In the past few years, Edutwitter has been on the rise and is becoming a useful resource for teachers to collaborate, share work and in general increase their professional network.

In this article, we’re looking at some of the different ways that Twitter can improve your teaching life.

Find and share resources

Are you wanting to find new resources to help you with your lessons? Twitter may be the way forward for this! There may be another like minded teacher out there who has already created the perfect resource that you’re looking for. Twitter is helping to create a global community where every teacher supports one another with hints, tips and even handy resources for reuse.

Be informed

Not only are teachers providing resources but they are also sharing their own experiences and how they have dealt with a difficult situation. Edutwitter is constantly carrying out and publishing different research to help with different classroom management techniques, so you can always learn a new approach to teaching.

Stay in contact with parents

Through creating an account for your school or classroom, you can keep parents updated with everything that is going on around the school; including posting regular pictures, updates with different weekly awards and even keep them updated when you’re on school trips! This can help to develop a closer relationship with the parents and carers.

Become part of a community

When you join Twitter, you’re also joining a community which is full of support for each other. This support can be especially helpful for NQT’s who may be feeling overwhelmed in the big world of education. Edutwitter can provide support and advice for anyone who may need it, with responses always flooding in when questions for help are asked.


As great as Edutwitter is and the great advice it can provide, make sure you are using it for the purpose of why you joined in the first place and steer away from getting caught up in the debates and disagreements that Twitter can sometimes bring. Think before you engage with a post you may not agree with, as most people have a range of beliefs and values which can lead to heated debates on topics that sometimes aren’t relevant. Just stay focused on what you want from Edutwitter, and look for the resources and support you want, without getting caught up in the political side of Edutwitter… That is, if you don’t want to! 🙂