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  • Schools
29th June, 2021

Install your new playground now, pay nothing until January 2022!

Help children develop healthy habits

Have your playground installed now and pay nothing until January 2022!


Support pupil development

Play is strongly related to cognitive development and emotional well-being. Help your children settle into lessons quicker and increase engagement, boosting your school’s performance.

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Boost pupil engagement

Adapt to the new normal, get children playing again!

Children who are bored during breaks often take their frustrations back into the classroom where they can cause disruption.

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Encourage pupils to improve their physical and mental health

By installing playground equipment that motivates your pupils to join in, you’ll be helping to increase their endorphin levels and reduce stress. Even if you only manage to get them into natural light, you’ll still be raising their vitamin D levels which can improve their mood.

Benefits of pupil outdoor play

  • Mental health: Outdoor play and learning increases both the mental well-being of your pupils as well as their ability to focus in the classroom
  • Physical health: Having a varied play environment can increase inclusion and encourage more healthy activity for your pupils

Benefits of leasing

The pandemic has taught us many things and the time we spend outdoors is one of them. Increase pupil time outdoors while also looking after your budget.

  • School budget: Utilise the F4E payment plan and save your school’s capital for supply teaching, emergency repairs and stationary.
  • Less upfront expense – there is no lump sum to payout, meaning that you have more cash available for other essential items or can upgrade sooner than your budget might otherwise permit.
  • Flexibility to choose – because school equipment leasing is flexible, you can look at a wider range of equipment. This can include items from top brands that might have otherwise been out of your budget and just not affordable.


Consider the many advantages to be had from installing the right playground equipment.

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