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31st July, 2019

What Every Teacher Should Make Time For This Summer

Now the summer holidays have finally arrived, it’s important for teachers to use this time to relax, enjoy the weather and recharge ready to begin again in September. In this article we’ll look at the different ways for you to enjoy your summer and take advantage of the time off:

📚 Read a good book

Have you managed to read for pleasure this school year? Why not begin your holidays by reading some of the best literature about, maybe some Attwood or Stephen King? Sitting down, relaxing and taking in the literary worlds, even if it’s just for 20 minutes, it can help you to unwind this summer.

🍹 Have a few cocktails (or drinks of your choice).

Give yourself a night away from the responsibilities (School or at home), get yourself glammed up and socialise with those closest to you. Take advantage of not having to wake up early and celebrate making it through another school year with a couple of drinks.

🏃 Workout

Exercise is proven to help you mentally relax and calm any anxiety you may be having. Don’t fancy going to the gym? Why not take up meditation or yoga from the comfort of your own home. It’s important to be getting your 1 hour of exercise a day, so why not use your spare time to make the most of it.

📺 Binge watch a series

Most of you will barely have time to watch any television during the academic year, so once you’re off, why not catch up on all the shows you’ve been missing out on. If you don’t have an account already, get a free trial from Netflix or Amazon Prime and pick from their wide selection. No matter if you fancy a thriller, drama or reality they’ll be something you’ll end up loving.

⏱️ Make time for yourself

During term time as a teacher, your main focus is your students and everyone else around you, so it’s important to use this free time to focus on yourself! Why not take yourself to the beach, to the local shopping centre or if we have our typical English weather, the cinema. Making time for yourself is the best way to recharge your batteries and get ready to focus back on your students in the new school year.

🧡 Follow a new passion

Has there been a new activity you’ve been wanting to take up for a while but not found the time? It could perhaps be going to pottery classes, starting to train for a charity event or maybe even learning a new language. Use your spare time this summer to begin reaching your next goals and finding a new passion, you never know it might become your favourite thing!