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14th March, 2023

5 big projects schools should be planning now for summer installation

With the summer term fast approaching, now is the time for schools to be finalising their plans for summer installations. Here are the most common projects schools plan at this time of year for completion during the summer break…

IT Infrastructure

Using the long summer break to upgrade your IT infrastructure presents you with the perfect opportunity to ensure your school is fully up to date with the following equipment:

  • Network including servers, storage, switches and wireless solutions
  • Cyber security
  • Desktops, monitors, laptops and tablets
  • Charging trolleys

Interactive Touchscreens

Creating uniformity in classrooms is vital for schools looking to provide a “level playing field”. It also allows any member of staff to work in any classroom as the environment will be the same throughout. The installation of new interactive touchscreens usually happens outside of term time as classrooms need to be accessible when there are no children around. This means the old equipment can be removed as well with no disruption to your students’ education.

Energy Efficiency

Schools are looking to save money wherever they can and making their buildings more energy efficient is one of the major focuses at the moment. This includes equipment that can be leased such as:

  • LED lighting
  • Solar panels
  • New boilers
  • Double glazing
  • Heat pumps
  • Hand dryers

Catering Facilities

Millions of school dinners are cooked each year so you can imagine just how hard your canteen equipment is working for your catering staff. Ensure your kitchen is equipped with the best appliances all year round by leasing them with extended warranties. From ovens to dishwashers, hot cupboards to fridges and freezers, prevent any downtime by having the most up-to-date equipment. And let’s not forget the students…you can also lease dining furniture and cleaning machines to keep their environment a happy and healthy one!

Outdoor Facilities

The summer break offers a great opportunity to transform your school’s outdoor area. Fresh air is available all year round so why not use it? Some of the projects we’ve leased to schools in this area are:

  • Playgrounds and outdoor gym equipment
  • Canopies and picnic benches
  • Outdoor catering pods
  • Modular buildings
  • Ride-on lawnmowers and grounds equipment


If your school is looking for help with any summer projects, please feel welcome to contact us now on 01625 415 400.

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