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8th March, 2023

Benefits of LED lighting in schools

LED lighting is becoming more popular in the education sector, as it offers a number of advantages over traditional halogen lighting. But what are those benefits and how can it change your school?

LED fittings provide a more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional lighting solutions. LED technology uses up to 85% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last up to 25 times longer. This makes them perfect for schools where energy efficiency is a priority.

This reduction in energy also means a reduction in cost. LED lighting can save schools thousands of pounds a year in energy bills. Additionally, LED lights are available in a variety of colours and styles, allowing for creative lighting solutions that will look great in any classroom.

Another benefit of LED lighting is that it mimics the light from the sun and thus fits in with our circadian rhythm meaning students and staff can get better sleep which In turn can lead to increased focus and better concentration.

There are more benefits to installing LED lighting so if you’d like more information on how it could change your school for the better, please get in touch with our team on 01625 415 400.