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3rd February, 2023

Case Study: LED Lighting Installation in London

An increasing number of schools are turning to LED lighting in their efforts to save money and become more sustainable. Whilst we’re only one month into 2023, the target of becoming carbon neutral by 2030 will be here before we know it. One school in London contacted us during the summer holiday last year and a site survey was completed before the pupils returned to school.

After proceeding with the order, the school had the system installed and transformed their environment over the October half term break. We caught up with the Operations Director of the Academy Trust to find out how their journey went…

What were the reasons for converting to LED?
The biggest factor for installing LED lighting was the money we were going to save on our electricity bill. In times of high inflation and energy bills, we were facing continuously increasing costs and this allowed us to take back some control. Other reasons were the advantages to the school environment and becoming more energy-efficient.

What were the reasons for leasing the solution?
Due to increased costs, and no increase in funds, we couldn’t afford the capital outlay. After the survey was completed and we understood the in-year savings would cover the lease cost, it was a no-brainer!

How was your installation?
The installation was completed within the timeframe and they worked very quickly to get the job finished. We’re looking to get our other schools who have old halogen fittings converted to LED as soon as time allows.

How easy was it to set the project in motion?
Very easy! The process was simple and seamless. We’re using Funding 4 Education for numerous projects which helps as everything is under one roof.


Looking to convert your school to LED lighting?
Contact us for a free site survey now and we’ll show you how leasing can help your school save money!