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7th July, 2023

How our leasing programs help an IT supplier in Yorkshire

An IT supplier based in Yorkshire traditionally sold hardware to schools on a cash basis however, as we’re all too aware, schools repeatedly struggle with low or no budgets. Back in 2015, the supplier approached Funding 4 Education to see how we could help them win business in the education sector and overcome the budget objection at the same time.

“Very easy – working with a very efficient team helps”
(The Funding 4 Education service)

Fast forward 8 years and the incorporation of using leasing within their sales process, we have one happy supplier and lots of happy schools too! Leasing made a difference because it’s given schools the opportunity to spread their budget over 3-5 years, upgrade along the way and boosted sales for the supplier. At the end of the lease, the school returns to the supplier giving them an opportunity to upsell and continue the long-standing relationship.

When we asked the supplier what would happen if they didn’t offer leasing to their schools, their response was… ‘they’d look elsewhere’. They believe giving schools a leasing option is great as they can plan their next 3-5 years’ IT budget by spreading the cost and futureproofing their equipment. On a final note, it’s not just the leasing solution itself that is important, the service is equally as important as it reflects on the supplier who described our service as “very easy – working with a very efficient team helps 😊”.

If you’re a supplier who would like to know more about our leasing service, contact us today on 01625 415 400.