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20th June, 2023

How we helped a special school in Cheshire get the equipment they needed

A special school were stuck in the mud when they first reached out to us. They had no solution to the problem they were facing – no budget to purchase the equipment they so desperately needed in order to allow for their students to rightly be on the same level playing field when it came to their education…so they turned to us for help. After speaking with the school directly to get a better understanding of their situation and the plan they had in mind, we got to work.

We took into account the school’s budget constraints and what the school had to work with over the next 3 years which enabled us to put our heads together to tailor a bespoke solution to the specific needs of the school…all whilst keeping within the budget they had, to achieve the goal they set.

The goal: To refresh and update their current IT infrastructure across 3 classrooms for the next 3 years which remained within their budgetary demands.

The solution: After careful consideration and taking in to account all aspects, a rolling upgrade programme was put in to place within budget. This will now allow for the school to provide their students with the latest and most up-to-date technology the market offers, all whilst coinciding with providing a level playing field. The children now have the most up-to-date iPads and desktops to complete their curriculum. It’s not only the children who’ll benefit, the staff have brand new PCs that will make their lives easier and more efficient.

What are the results?

  • The goal – achieved ✔️
  • The solution – achieved ✔️
  • Within budget – achieved ✔️
  • Delighted school – achieved ✔️

We firmly believe that we have been the perfect solution to the school’s problem, but don’t just take our word for it, see what the school had to say themselves…

“Funding 4 Education – it was a great service and so manageable. They worked around my 3 year budget and I’ve set up a rolling plan, all new throughout school in 3 years. I dealt with Jack Johnson. He would be more than happy to help.”

If your school is looking to invest in new technology and needs help to fit it into the budget, contact us on 01625 415 400.