Innovative leasing: Discover your students’ creativity with our flexible leasing options

Has your Design and Technology teaching environment been limited by budgets? Our bespoke leasing plans for schools can help you to unlock your students’ potential.

Leasing for the inventors of tomorrow!

Provide an environment for your students with our design and technology equipment leases for schools which can include:
Is the equipment you’re looking to lease not listed above? Get in touch with our schools team today to find out if we can help!

What are the advantages of leasing design and technology equipment?

Design and Technology equipment is a big investment which can put pressure on the department and the finance team to fit it into the budget, particularly when a machine breaks. Let’s explore how leasing can be used to the school’s advantage.

Preserve Capital

Contingency funds normally used for hiring staff, building maintenance and educational supplies can remain intact by leasing equipment for Design and Technology as there are no large upfront costs.

Servicing and Support

Leasing Design and Technology equipment can include servicing plans, extended warranties and technical support to provide you with peace of mind throughout the agreement.

Reduce Downtime

Owning faulty equipment has a detrimental effect on lesson planning and curriculum delivery however by leasing Design and Technology equipment, you’re able to keep your resources up to date and create a modern learning environment for students to thrive.

Fully Equipped Workshops

Design and Technology equipment leases for schools can include a wide variety of machines, appliances, tools and furniture meaning you don’t have to choose which areas to put off until the next budget year and can invest in a full refurbishment without the pressure of paying outright.

What leasing options can you use for design and technology equipment?

Listed below are the most popular options for spreading the cost on design and technology equipment.

Step Payment Plans

Step Payment Plans

Step up your payments over future budgets
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