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Ignite Classroom Engagement: Lease State-of-the-Art Interactive Screens/Whiteboardsfor Your School!

Our flexible leasing solutions can help encourage classroom engagement with state-of-the-art interactive screens/whiteboards. Explore how our leasing options can transform your classrooms, elevate teaching experiences, and inspire students to actively participate in their learning journey.

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Getting involved with interactive displays for your school!

Encouraging student engagement with a range of interactive screen options, some of which are mentioned below:

touchscreen wall mounted

Wall Mountable

Equip your classrooms with interactive wall-mountable touchscreens to enhance learning experiences.

Floor Mountable

Floor Mountable

These large, durable displays encourage group discussions, presentations, and interactive learning, making them perfect for various educational applications.

touch table

Touch Tables

Transform learning environments with interactive touch tables. These innovative surfaces promote teamwork and creativity, enabling students to explore educational apps.


Mobile Trolley

Mobile trolleys can be easily moved between classrooms, providing teachers with the freedom to integrate technology seamlessly into their lessons.


PC Monitors

Lease high-quality PC monitors to complement traditional desktop setups or integrate them into interactive learning stations.

visitor management

Visitor Management Systems

Implement modern visitor management systems equipped with touchscreens to streamline school entry processes, while keeping track of visitors efficiently.

What are the benefits of leasing interactive displays for your school?

Leasing your schools’ interactive displays saves on a large up-front cost that you get when purchasing. Cost effective payments allow for your budget to spread further whilst keeping your schools equipment up to date. It gives the students more freedom to be involved in daily teaching, keeping them engaged and encourages them to speak up.

Tailored Leasing Solutions

With our tailored solutions it gives you the opportunity to forward plan your budgets, fixed payments for the term of your agreement let you see what budget you have available to use elsewhere.


Leasing gives you the freedom to upgrade your equipment at the end of your agreement term,keeping you up to date with the latest technology.

What Spread Payment Options can you use for your Interactive IT equipment?

Listed below are the most popular options for spreading the cost of Interactive IT equipment inschools.

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