• School Blog
18th October, 2018

The 4 core things to look for when leasing equipment for your school

Leasing can be a complicated minefield to navigate with all the jargon and the “do’s” and “don’ts” surrounding it. That’s why we’ve highlighted these 4 simple steps to follow when arranging your next lease agreement.

1. Look for a transparent and flexible agreement

You might know exactly what equipment you want to lease but having to wade through a long, complicated agreement is the last thing you want. Look for a leasing company which specialises in education and offers a simple, easy to understand and transparent agreement. That way, you know exactly what you’re agreeing to, what you need to pay and when.

2. An open, human and reputable company

Nobody likes dealing with robots and that’s why it’s important to look for a company that provides a human touch, making it easier for you to discuss your exact requirements and gain any assurances you need. Make sure the company you work with provides an agreement which is flexible and can be adapted if your needs change.

3. Clearly defined options and outcomes

Any arrangement which doesn’t outline exactly what the options are for the school at the end of the Agreement should be avoided, as you may find yourself with expensive and unexpected additional payments. Choose a company that provides you with clearly defined outcomes in advance which will eliminate any headaches in the future.

4. A Track Record

Let’s face it, nobody wants to be a “guinea pig” so you want to deal with a company that has a tried and tested track record and one that can provide you with specific school references. Any reputable company will have good relationships with its existing schools so they should be able to provide specific references for you or better still let you speak directly to their current clients.

If you have any questions about leasing within your school, call out School Care Team today on 01625 415 400